This past weekend was the kind I really like. The kind that makes me feel closer to my colleagues out there with "real" gigs: Dress for Brahms 4 Friday night, rehearsal on Don Juan Saturday afternoon and perform the Brahms that night. Then another Strauss rehearsal Sunday morning. The only trouble is these programs are with different orchestras in different cities. Neither of which where I live.
Wait, I lied. There was other trouble. The ten mile long run in -15 degree wind chill I crammed in Sunday morning before rehearsal. That was no fun. Brutal. Just brutal. I'm sure the feeling will return to my fingertips eventually. Probably after the black flesh gets some pinkness back in it, right?
The CRSO had a great reception following the Brahms concert Saturday night. There was free wine and Greek cuisine at a new restaurant right across from the hall. I hope this is a regular occurrence. Oh yeah, I also met the woman with whom I may want to spend the rest of my life. What are the odds that she has a boyfriend? I know. Pretty darn good. I'll find out soon enough and probably make a fool of myself in the process. A few of us finished off the night at the usual post-concert haunt with some Mexican food and beer.
It was my first set with CR as a regular member and it was a great experience. They are a really fine group. The conductor is new and loved by the orchestra, deservedly so. Everyone is serious about making good music. Intonation was so much easier than in any other group I play and that makes all the difference in the world. Happiness is in-tune perfect intervals so the thirds and sixths can be placed where they belong. My only complaint is they play only one concert each set rather than the usual two or three. But I guess you need to get enough asses in the seats before you can justify a Sunday matinee. One packed show is better than two performances to middling houses.
Next weekend's docket: Don Juan and Beethoven 1 (as well as a piece in which some of us play tuned wine glasses) with the QCSO.