We're doing Mahler Six in DM this weekend. It isn't one of my favorite Mahler symphonies but I think it is growing on me. At 80-90 minutes I'm sure it is a test for the audience. Though it calls for eight horns we're covering the 7th and 8th parts among six of us. Every group tries to save a buck somehow!

I'll be happy to get done with this set although it has been a blast. It is just very demanding to focus for that long on such a schizophrenic work. When it is all over you feel a bit depressed rather than elated. That elation will come in spades when we do Malher 1 in CR next month.
We also got a nice covering of snow from a storm last night. It made my long run this morning rather tough and slow. But at least I was out there... as were the usual farm dogs giving chase. I could out run them because of the snow this time. With clear roads, they might have had me!
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